Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tanzania: January Makamba Seeks Signature in 'Motherland'

Bukoba — THE Deputy Minister for Communications, Science and Technology, Mr January Makamba, arrived here yesterday in the morning to continue with the signature seeking exercise.
He was received by a number of CCM supporters as he landed at the Bukoba Airport where he
reaffirmed his commitment to bear the party's flag in the general elections slated for October.
Speaking at the CCM regional offices, the youthful presidential hopeful thanked party members and supporters who turned up at the airport to welcome him.
"My appeal to all Kagera residents and Tanzanians is to hold peaceful elections. You should not segregate other candidates who will come to Bukoba for similar purposes," he said.
The 41-year-old, USeducated politician and the son of former CCM Secretary General Yussuf Makamba, said he wanted to seek sponsorship from Misenyi District, a place where his mother was born. On his way to Misenyi later in the afternoon, Mr Makamba made a short stop over at the Bukoba Referral Hospital where he visited a children's ward.
So far, four CCM candidates vying the presidential race have already visited Kagera Region to get sponsors. Last week, former Prime Minister, Mr Edward Lowassa was here, just four days after the Minister for Works, Dr John Magufuli, made a similar visit.
Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Bernard Membe was the first candidate to seek supporters in the region.

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