Monday, June 29, 2015

Manji says his companies were cleared on CIS

Yusuf Manji
Yusuf Manji
Showing documented evidence of three letter clearances from the Treasury, Mr Manji said his companies had been cleared of any liabilities in connection to the Commodity Import Support funds as they fulfilled their obligations.
The letters from Treasury, indicated that the companies had been cleared of any liabilities following effecting of the payments. The clarification follows claims by a Member of Parliament who had said in Parliament last week that three of the companies linked to Quality Group had not paid taxes worth 9bn/-.
Speaking at a press conference in Dar es Salaam, Mr Manji shared with journalists three official letters showing his companies had paid the funds and subsequently cleared.
He termed the allegations on his companies as mere smear campaigns orchestrated by those who did not wish him well.
The payments of the companies to the Treasury came about after they got involved in the Commodity Import Support (CIS) programme, where development partners had teamed up with the government to facilitate the importation of key commodities in the country about ten years ago to ease, among other things, food shortages.The government of Japan provided a grant of 23 billion yen to be loaned to companies for importation of various products. It was agreed that once the money was recovered, it would be used to develop small firms and local entrepreneurs.
CIS was a form of aid used by foreign donors starting from the early 1980s to help foreign currency-strapped African countries import key commodities for public consumption.
Many African countries benefited from this programme from various bilateral donors. Entities that accessed the money included government ministries, parastatals and several government agencies as well as private firms.
On Sunday Mr Manji said anyone who make allegations that his companies had backtracked on their obligations was either doing that out of ignorance or engaged in smear campaigns to tarnish his image.
By ORTON KIISHWEKO, Tanzania Daily News

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