Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tanzania: Aspirant Speaks Adoringly On Chama Cha Mapinduzi

Masasi — THE Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Mr Lazaro Nyalandu, has said that CCM was the only political party, which is loved by the public, has a clear vision as well as exercising democracy, urging party members to be ready for a resounding victory in October.

Mr Nyalandu made the remarks yesterday when speaking to CCM members in Masasi District who turned up to guarantee him.
The minister is among the party's presidential aspirants seeking nomination for the top post race. He said there is no greater value then promoting the existing unity, peace and cooperation, within the party, calling on all presidential aspirants from the ruling party to refrain from painting a bad picture to the public.
He called on CCM members to iron out their differences, stressing that unity was the only weapon that will ensure the party continues to rule.
He called on Tanzania to oppose segregation and tribalism, noting that if the ruling party nominates him to fly its flag, he will ensure divisions in society -- be it tribalism, religious differences or racism - remain history.
According to Mr Nyalandu, he has been a member of CCM for a long time and now God has provided an opportunity for another generation to lead the nation into economic prosperity, using resources available within the country, including natural gas, oil and other tourism natural resources.
The Masasi District CCM Chairman, Mr Kazumari Malilo, said all 39 presidential aspirants on the party's ticket needed to follow Mr Nyalandu's example "who has touched on basic issues, including unity and cooperation within the political party". Mr Nyalandu received guarantors in Nyasa, Mkuti and Jida wards.
Mr Malilo said CCM members did not like conflicts within the party, stressing that when they travel around seeking for guarantors, they should not give a lot of promises which at times are not fulfilled, resulting to the public losing confidence in the ruling party.
Mr Ramadhani Pole, who is a member of CCM National Executive Committee (NEC,) took a jibe at other presidential aspirants from the party who have been gathering a lot of people, some of them not members of CCM, claiming that if they are not nominated, they will stop to be members of the ruling party.

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