Monday, June 22, 2015

Cuban Five thankful to SA, pay tribute to Tambo

The so-called Cuban Five have thanked South Africa for being part of the international solidarity campaign for their release.

They started their tour for the first time in South Africa by visiting the grave site of the late ANC stalwart O. R .Tambo in Boksburg where they laid wreaths.

Gerardo Hernandez, Ramón Labañino, Fernando Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero and René Gonzalez were arrested in 1998 and charged with conspiracy to commit espionages in the United States of America.

In a highly irregular trial in 2001, they were found guilty, even though no evidence was ever produced to prove their crimes. One of them was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences; two were condemned to a one life sentence, and two others to sentences of 15 and 17 years, respectively.  They are currently in on the invitation of the ANC led tripartite alliance.

The group was received by top leadership of the tripartite alliance, including ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe, Cosatu president Sdumo Dlamini and the South African Communist Party’s (SACP) deputy secretary, Solly Mapaila as well as dozens of party members at O.R Tambo international airport on Sunday morning.

At the gravesite of the late Tambo, Gerardo Hernandez says they were inspired by courageous leaders like Tambo during their incarceration.

“We wanted to come to this place during the very first minutes of the five in this land. We wanted to come to pay tribute to a comrade, to a dear friend of Cuba, a friend of Fidel, a friend of all revolutionary people in the world who dedicated his entire life to the freedom of his people. We wanted to pay tribute to comrade Oliver Tambo. We want you to know that the sample of comrade Tambo was with us during all years in prison. We have deep admiration for him and all fighters for the freedom of South Africa.”

The gesture was deeply appreciated by the Tambo family. His son Dali says the family is humbled by the visit.“I would like to say that we welcome you with full hearts. We know what you have been through, you are heroes to us. From that time that they arrested you, the whole world was watching and was behind you. You've made us proud, you have made us believe again in the dignity of mankind and you have inspired us with your strength and your determination and your discipline.”

Despite being arrested and imprisoned for unjust reasons by the American government, the Cuban Five do not harbour any grudges. Rene Gonzalez explains, “We cannot deny that we have a voice now and people listen to us and one of the things that people notice is that we don't have any hatred, we managed to get out of prison without any bitterness. In that sense even when we speak about the American society, we don’t do it with hatred, or with resentment.”

Talks between Cuba and America are on-going and there is also an indication of possibly establishing diplomatic relations. However the U.S. economic embargo, which has blocked nearly all trade between the two nations for the last five decades, is firmly in place.

The Cuban Five will be in the country for 13 days and will visit a number of provinces and also attend a sitting of the National Assembly
Ramon Labanino says they want the blockade to be ceased. “We still have many problems, we don't have any financial business, and banks are being punished just because they are dealing with Cuba. American citizens cannot travel freely to Cuba; we still have the Guantanamo Bay in Cuba that we want to be returned to our homeland so there are many issues. That is why is so important to keep on fighting against the blockade.”

The sentiments of continuing with the struggle are also echoed by Mantashe.“We are celebrating but we are committing ourselves that the struggle continues because yes the Cuban Five are free, yes diplomatic discussions on establishing diplomatic relations are underway, but we must still call for the lifting of illegal blockade on Cuba. That is the commitment we should be making today as we welcome these comrades. That Cuba has been removed from the list of countries that sponsors terrorism is progress in the right direction, but Cuba cannot be blockaded, everybody must be free to trade and be friends with Cuba.

The Cuban Five will be in the country for 13 days and will visit a number of provinces and also attend a sitting of the National Assembly.

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